Week 4 Reflection: Student Engagement
My 7th grade students have recently prepared for and completed a frog dissection. To prepare the students for the task, we created frog dissection paper dolls, took notes on the body systems of the frogs, and practiced labeling the frog's’ internal anatomy. This is one of the units that all of my 7th graders look forward to with excitement, dread, or a mix of both in the weeks and days leading up to the actual dissection. At last, the day of the actual event arrives and my students are buzzing around the room finding their goggles and aprons as the time to commence the task draws closer. Let me tell you how I saw this classroom activity affect one of my students this year. One student (I’ll refer to him as Student A) has struggled with my class all trimester. He recently disqualified for special education services for his ADHD and he and I have both had trouble adjusting to this new arrangement. As his science teacher, I know that he did perform better on certain tasks with...